Image taken from http: / / www.andoain.org/ |
that are echoing suffered critical state the planet. The deterioration of nature increases by leaps and bounds as pollution levels and irresponsible behavior of human beings is greater. To combat this controversial and problematic situation, diverse schools throughout Spain and various European countries joined increasingly a project known as Agenda 21 for Schools, derived from the so-called Agenda 21, 1992, which aims to boost sustainable development and help raise awareness among young about environmental issues .
Given the consequences they may have on humanity and other living things on Earth the deplorable state of nature, by the year 1992 representatives of 179 states gathered to adopt strategies to promote sustainable development program.
In this way, call the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development or Earth Summit held in the last 90 years in Rio de Janeiro, was derived known Agenda 21 .
However, to implement this project was necessary for each country to apply their own Local Agenda , depending on the characteristics of each power. "Think globally, act locally" is the basic idea would be collected from Chapter 28 of the Agenda.
This commitment to the planet by every city and country in Europe is reflected in the call Aalborg Charter adopted in 1994 by many European cities gathered in the Danish city of Aalborg in the first Conference European Sustainable Cities and Towns. Subsequently, and as the work of schools is essential to educate and teach citizens from early age the importance in the preservation and respect of the ecosystem, we chose to develop the Agenda 21 for Schools programs and content for educational communities in each country.
In Spain, more and more colleges and institutes to join this sustainability initiative. This Diary is no more than an educational program involving both students, teachers and non teaching staff (including parents or relatives) in achieving the improvement, respect and care for the environment.
goals that seeks to achieve, broadly, the educational community with this project are:
goals that seeks to achieve, broadly, the educational community with this project are:
Image Taken of http://www. premioconama.org / |
-Contribute to a class clear information on all issues linked to the environmental field, whether it's water, waste or energy, through educational workshops and enjoyable activities.
-Animate students to participate in environmental conservation , not only from your school or college, but also from his own home.
- promote initiatives, activities, projects, programs in various schools to address this issue.
- Account to the smallest of the serious consequences of human activity on the environment and long-term effects may have on the lives of people and other creatures that inhabit the planet.
"Achieving awareness of children to get a first approach to solving environmental problems today.
For a more sustainable school , among other things, should encourage in-depth knowledge of these environmental issues relating to the SUSTAINABILITY (climate change, pollution, consumption habits and transport, biodiversity), reduce, reuse and recycle (not to waste electricity and water do not accumulate large amounts of waste, introduce clean points in classrooms or dining areas), reducing air pollution from the use of renewable energy or energy conservation, communications activities (workshops, creation of Web pages or blogs), organic food (promote green and healthy food in canteens), contact with NGOs or experts to assist in driving conferences, support for the Centre, etc..
As discussed in previous lines, School Agenda 21 is a project that is having a depth and influence in many different colleges and institutes spread throughout Spain. Some of them have become internationally recognized as the Barcelona School Program Agenda has been awarded the Dubai International Award for best practices to improve living conditions. This award led by the Government of Dubai and administered in conjunction with the Habitat program called United Nations aims to promote sustainable development of human settlements on the basis of international cooperation.
Among others, the Basque Government has also been drawn together with over 20 schools in Sevilla, other goals in Castilla y León or in the English capital Madrid who have joined this project. Thus, the Departments of Education, Universities and Research of Environment, Planning, Agriculture and Fisheries Basque Country in 2011 will spend 880,000 Euros and 220,000 Euros in 2012 has put it into practice. For its part, the educational community in A Coruña notes that already the first steps to promote these initiatives.
Image taken from http://www.arratia.net/ |
The situation in the world can change for the better if man realizes and is aware that it owns the planet, but one more that should contribute to care and respect. Nature is responsible for its existence and development of a healthy quality of life. With projects such as Agenda 21 for Schools future generations will know a world where pollution and natural disasters have not been more than a bad memory.
For class:
-For users who want more information on the objectives and stages of development of the Agenda 21 for Schools can click on the following link which fully incorporates the contents of the agenda. PDF document focuses on specific fields such as water, energy, waste, and other urban areas.
"Also we propose a simple test consists of a series of questions to measure your ecological footprint, that is, knowing the volume of soil that correspond to each according to their respect and care environment. You can see by clicking this link.
-game also propose to measure the degree of commitment of participants to the care of the environment. It can be accessed by clicking this place.
"Through this link will access a video on Agenda 21 School sponsored by Caja Madrid, which can be used in class explanations to support teachers and entertain the subject
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