one way or another we've all heard on occasion of scouts. But we know what is your philosophy? Anywhere in the world, all scouts working under a doctrine that unites them and governing them. A philosophy full of values \u200b\u200band marked by a great respect for nature . It is for this reason that from Educambiente we talk in this philosophy. To discover them and can apply some of his ideas, as far as possible and when the occasion merits, "with children.
Since Baden Powell founded the Scouting in 1907, this international movement has always sought educate the younger through contact with nature . It was and is an effective way for children to learn to respect the environment and respect nature , among many other values. As reflected in the Constitution of the World Scout Movement, the purpose of this movement is to help develop the capacities of the young and help them develop as individuals and responsible citizens, both physically and socially, intellectual or spiritual. Here we talk about what is your method and what are their values.

These values \u200b\u200bare reflected in law, and all members must make a promise to perform it. The best of this type of education is that it is 100% dynamic and performed at the outdoor , which allows contact with nature . Children learn almost without realizing it and they will play . To this are organized into small "patrols" as they call, and within each will have certain responsibilities. It may seem like child's play, but thanks to these organized groups learn to have more confidence in themselves, become more independent and develop certain skills.
finish and get to know these scouts show you a small list of some of their most important values:
- be loyal, courteous and trustworthy
- be useful without reward
- be everyone's friend
- respect nature and protect animals and plants
- Smile and sing at the difficulties
As you have discovered within the educational experience of estrus groups, plays an important role environment. From Educambiente the idea that you want to convey with all this is the importance a further education outdoor . Classroom teaching is always good, but learning in contact with nature will always have more advantages. Enable smaller developing certain skills, appreciate more the things around them and develop more of their senses.
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