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recycling field is very broad: paper and cardboard, plastics, medicines ... however, the recycling of glass seems to have been on a secondary level when it should not be so.
Our grandparents and great grandparents and their recycled-a-way this material . The process of glass recycling industry is very recent, so the older generation, when they bought drinks, yogurt or any food packaged in a glass jar, proceeded to return the containers once used content. Thus, businesses get back a small amount of money in exchange for the customers returned the jars and bottles. These containers were transported to small businesses that were responsible for the disinfection and cleaning to be used again and for many times. And here the direct antecedent of glass recycling we know today.
recycling process and benefits
Glass is 100% recyclable material, but now the man has only managed to find a way to recycle glass bowl that serves as for liquids and food, so it is important to know that the glass windows, mirrors or glass ceramics can not be reused even through this process.
are four main advantages of this action citizen:
"First of all, an considerable savings raw materials used in the manufacture of glass, such as silica sand which is mined from mineral deposits through an expensive process with high energy costs.
- It is precisely the energy expenditure savings The second major advantage of glass recycling, as the temperature at which melt recycled glass is much lower than that used to melt the original glass (first use): the energy saved in recycling a bottle glass could keep a television turned on for 3 hours.
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-Thirdly, reuse of glass reduces pollution air as a result of a decrease the burning of this material (the glass is not recycled goes to landfill waste community where all become burned, directly impacting the atmosphere).
-Finally, this process saves space in landfills populations, avoiding enhance soil pollution in which wastes are deposited community.
The recycling process is as follows: the conscious individuals the importance of recycling glass containers deposited in containers (igloos) that are green in your area, which already guarantees that these continents will be collected periodically by specialized trucks to move the glass recycling plants. ;
Once there, these materials are subjected to a first process of removing impurities, if there remain remnants of food or drink inside them which could hinder its reuse. Once clean, the cullet (the name given to the clean glass will be recycled) is mixed and melted at 1,400 degrees with other components, such as carbonates or sand. As a result of this process will produce a substance known as 'drop of glass' that goes into each of the different molds of bottles will be produced and by the 'process of breath' is achieved that the glass gob is seated mold on the walls of the bottle, leaving all their hollow interior, finally adopting the typical shape of a bottle.
Once it cools, it goes through an inspection of the container formed to remove those defects and finally containers are labeled, packaged and shipped to customers.
The great danger of glass
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In tackling the glass should not be forget that, as is well used because a benefit for the Environment, as the case may be misused to cause fires of great magnitude. Whenever you make a field trip is very important to choose plastic containers and, if glass is to be carried, it's always found and always in the shadow , as glass, to the impact of the sun on the walls, acts as a magnifying glass to concentrate a large amount of heat at one point that blows easily the first flare .
To explain this phenomenon to the school and thus be aware of the potential of glass propose the following experiment: to blow up a green balloon and put a magnifying glass on top, so that the sun shining directly on it. Soon, the lens is focusing so much heat on a single point on the globe that it will explode. This experiment symbolic may imply the same effect of glass and light in nature, with the explosion of fire balloon explosion in real life.
Resources and activities on the glass
To arrange a class about recycling glass, we suggest you use this video explaining the recycling process you'll find on the net if you want to focus class for students of Secondary Education . For students of Elementary Education , Internet portal offers this with visual explanations, very fun games and experiments.
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Finally, secondary students could set up a recycling workshop glass art . Many decorative items can be developed through old glass bottles or jars, just have to have special glass paints find at any craft store, and some imagination. Vases from juice bottles, containers for candles made from jam jars ... everything has a place in the world of glass and, for the less creative, here disponéis a web thousands of original ideas for working the glass.
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