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Since the birth of our project, Educambiente we provide the educator concerned about the necessary resources that could provide support in organizing classes that were related to the topic ecological and environmental.
Games are a very useful and practical for children of all ages learn and develop their skills and time to enjoy all the good that offer group play. That is why it is considered that the games Learning by simulation are ideal to learn the specific values, and as in our case, values \u200b\u200bof care Environment.
What is a learning game simulation?
As its name indicates, is an educational and fun that is the representation of something, a specific situation that could occur in real life. The end of a simulation game is to learn through a simulated experience.
abanto-Zierbena |
These games are not only used for environmental education, but that is a function of the educator to adapt the game to the needs of children . Nor is it only for children but often used in language classes to learn to cope in specific situations. That is, a resource that the teacher can adapt at will.
According to Fernando Kramer, in his book Practical Handbook environmental education four types of simulation:
1. Case Study
2. Game interpretation
3. Simulation Game
4. through computer simulation
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Although all variants are particularly interesting, we will focus on two central: games and simulation performance. They may look almost the same, and the difference is that the simulation game requires more capacity for analysis by the players. It is also more complicated to prepare, because you need to anticipate situations and prepare materials that might be necessary. The classic game called Monopoly simulation is, of course this gives us values \u200b\u200bof consumption.
On environmental issues, a game of interpretation might serve to young children because it would give values \u200b\u200bof empathy and the ability to see the world through himself and through the actions of others. Furthermore, simulation games would be ideal for the ESO, where students have the capability for analysis.
Features interpretation games:
· It focuses on individual actions
· gives rise to self-reflection
· Develops ability to understand other
· fosters communication between groups
· It assumes the personality of a particular person, with some concrete ideas.
· are simplifications of real situations.
How to create a set of interpretation?
The educator must take into account previous changes to create their own simulation game. In addition, you must know how to adapt the capabilities of their students and time available. The steps could follow:
1. Develop the situation from which we started. This situation must be related to the subject, entails a change in the environment, and create controversy: for example, the construction of a shopping center, which involves the removal of the forest where they want to locate the center.
2. Create the profile of the characters. If possible, translate it into small cards to distribute among students. Must conform to the level of the students. If they are elementary, express everything simply. For higher classes, we divide them according to ideology.
Sounds simple, right? Actually, not so much at the time of capture it on paper. So here we a small game project interpretation:
1 .- Location from which we started:
Marplatense |
Villa Flores is a medium city, whose economy is sustained by small and medium businesses in the city. However, one day, Granacero large construction company decided to build a shopping center and the only area that can fit in a forest north of the city. This raises the question, since the construction of a shopping center can bring both good and bad things. In the end, the Association of Residents of Villa Flores will meet to decide whether to build or not.
2 .- Character Profile:
· Rosa, who works for a florist in the city center. Vintage pink flowers in their gardens, located near the forest felled. Is worried that bring construction equipment can affect their crops.
· Sam, an unemployed person: Sam is a unique opportunity in the mall, he knows that, once built, will finally work. Besides, who knows, you might be hired soon to help in construction.
· Peter Granacero director: Pedro knows that the mall is a great investment, but also realizes the environmental problems can bring. In any case, go ahead with its project because it will bring benefits.
· Asuncion, director of the Ecological Association, as director of an organization concerned with the environment, AsunciĆ³n is a mistake to think that construction as the destruction of the ecosystem that would create an imbalance in the environment of the city.
· Joachim, father of a child from school: as all parents, Joaquin is concerned about the health of children. And he believes that, even when it built the center, enjoy it, certainly that is good all the noise of the works will take to build it.
Of course, you can create many more characters, taking into account the number of students. You can also repeat the characters. The teacher or educator will also have their role, which is the President of the Neighborhood Association, because it serves as moderator at the meeting.
Once assigned characters, start with the discussion. Each character has a time reflection, and later will state their case, in addition to voting for or against.
final vote after the game, will be offered a time to think of all the students on the pros and cons of the situation. It should also provide what students have learned. You can also make a short summary of the environmental problems they encountered, such as noise pollution, deforestation, waste pollution or ecosystem damage
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