Royal Botanic Garden Madrid |
With the arrival of spring, the Royal Botanic Gardens Madrid (RJB) has become more greener than ever. The different species flower samples finery, decorating the spaces with colored dresses contrasting with the green of the leaves of the trees.
In Educambiente could not ignore the holding of this new season which, together with the anniversary of the International Year Forests and the International Day of the pot, which come in a few days, "we do recommend you a group visit to this green space located heart of the city of Madrid.
There are many activities that have been deployed for students, learning together and sharing experiences, it would be a good idea to enjoy a trip to this place to learn more about our plants through various training workshops offered this entity.
Activities for children
Childhood Education School children have their place in this particular garden. With the workshop Small Explorers will learn without realizing it through various games to be developed in different areas of the Botanic. Adopting the role of an intrepid explorer, students and Primary-to 2-second cycle will recreating a fieldwork different plant species that will be cruising on their way.
Real Jardin Botanico de Madrid. |
But if you prefer to enter the world of the leaves of the trees, through Secrets of the leaves may know the features and functions most important of these by carrying out simple activities.
With Spikes and traps , understand how plants adapt to different climates and terrains . In addition, elementary and primary students will study the parts that make up a plant and the different variants: carnivorous, climbing, ... all belong in this fun workshop.
RJB The latest offer is The plant world for small botanical , which promises a set of educational activities for know the general world of plants , motivated by observation and experimentation carried out by small and good researchers.
third cycle of primary education, ESO and Bachillerato
could not be otherwise. The Botanical Garden of Madrid has deployed a wide variety of tasks that combine education and entertainment for higher educational levels of education.
Offer begins with Seeds, Biodiversity future, in remembrance of the Year last we left in 2010, places the student to work in a bank seed to know how it works, what it does and how it works with the Plant protection.
The primary school and can become ESO Explorer for one day with this fun workshop to learn how to collect material on the nature and draw up a or herbal useful, why not, discover a new species.
The workshop fruits, different content work on why the plants spread their seeds and how fruit formation and its different types.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Madrid. |
Step into the plant world allowed to learn to recognize the major constituents of the plant world and know their properties through microscopes, the findings recorded in a notebook field can take home.
Teacher Resources
The RJB provides on its website a series of resources for teachers order to complete classes with very specific materials and adapted to different educational levels. Currently has three sets of resources:
- The Olmo "trousers" teaches you plant parts: an interactive application in which the most representative Olmo Botanical Garden teaches children between 7 and 11 years parts of the plant and its operation .
- Linnaeus and the classification is the second pack found in the web of the garden. Is particularly aimed at students aged between 9 and 16, in which Carl Linnaeus, Swedish botanist of the eighteenth century that has passed into history for its contribution in terms of plant classification explains her contribution to this the school field.
"The third package is Mystery in the Botanical , and puts the student in the role of researcher, having to decipher various unsolved riddles that have occurred in the RJB.
addition, the Botanical Garden offers a section called Teachers' Corner that reports on various training courses and preparatory meetings for the education sector so that it can then implement with their students classrooms.
From Educambiente hope this has been useful proposal to conduct training with students taking advantage of the spring has arrived and with it the best time of year to learn a little more closely plant species that surround us.
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