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A tender look. A sweet smile. A delicate touch and a faithful friend par excellence. The dogs are always beside the man to warn him of any danger, to guide the steps of a blind in the dark and to comfort their masters when sadness intrudes into their heart.
hunting practiced by humans, can be extremely dangerous to life not only of those species endangered animals but of own pets. This week, Humane Society and Plant Madrid has denounced the permission of the English regions of ending the lives of stray dogs clean shot in the hunting . This has resulted in the fact that several of these animals were shot as they passed near these preserves with their owners. Again, seems not to matter to government authorities or people in general, the collateral damage that may result from a practice so controversial, dangerous and destructive as it is hunting.
This activity, far from being a sport as many think, becomes primarily responsible for the deaths of about 30 to 50 million wild animals , to say nothing of dumping the field of 6000 tons of poison shot lead as . A minority activity in Spain, considering that only 4% of the practice (ie, around one million English), which is, moreover, responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of protected species , sometimes considering them as vermin and more just for the pleasure of simply killing them. Not to mention the accidental shootings that have claimed the lives of others hunters or poor conditions suffered by its most loyal companions, given the number of greyhounds who have been abandoned when they were no longer considered useful, hanged or bad care in times of closure.
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In any case, the Humane Society requires the government to stop regular this control as "brutal, disproportionate and outrageous" and asked to act according to what it provides for protection of domestic animals. She also requested more resources and support to improve the situation of abandoned dogs.
There are very many cases of canine companions who have fallen victim Hunter and suffered the consequences of their cruel activity. The company recalled some of these events. For example, EuropaPress points out of that greyhound female who was walking with his owner on a trail near a hunting lodge in Paracuellos del Jarama and was killed by a shot, or the that bitch was walking in a boundary of El Escorial, whose fence that marked the place was in disrepair. Apparently his owner did not have time to protect her from a shot but could not stop a bullet gravity smite the head of the animal.
Despite deaths drag this activity performed by human beings, the truth is that still not applied any sanctions to punish these oversights or accidents with devastating consequences. The Company believes that this inaction by the authorities is that these organizations are interested in removing the cats and dogs are difficult to capture because they were abused or abandoned. To prevent these serious damage to the dog, the young from an early age should be aware of the injustices that some of their elders are committing. It is therefore a primary task of teachers to teach in their classes the dangers of an activity such as hunting and the measures currently exist to combat it.
Any forgetfulness or accident, even if unintentional, the hunter himself may involve the death of one of the most loyal and caring beings on the planet. The dog would never betray his master, as the emotional connection and respect that the latter is maintained too strong. Therefore, that man does not betray the loyalty of the canine and country administrations to adopt new measures to restrict and punish injustice harvested, either voluntarily or not, hunting.
Then we propose the following materials for use in the classroom with respect to the world of hunting and the consequences of its implementation:
"In the following link the user will find a page that collects all information on current legislation about the game in Spain.
-clicking this place will access a page that brings out all that hidden behind the positive image of hunting.
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