Image taken from http://www.f1consulting.com |
Earth's wound is getting deeper. Pollution and climate change largely increase the damage on the space generated natural, which shows changing and revolutionized in recent years. Nature rebels against this critical situation environmental phenomena generating a considerable force and devastation. Hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes are some of the countless signs of discomfort of the Earth and which in turn are taking forward the lives of thousands of human beings. In his quest to find a solution to this chaotic state of existence, very different countries use renewable energy forms in their ability to produce electricity at all times respect the natural environment without causing serious damage. Many of them we have been echoed in Educambiente.
However, far-reaching events occurred last week in Japan have to pay attention to one of renewable energy sources more controversial: nuclear energy. The explosion took place at a Japanese nuclear power last weekend a few hours after a huge wave dragged behind an entire population, has led to many different organizations and citizens around the world to put the voice alarm about the consequences of such energy for the planet.
The human health may be seriously affected by the misuse of this energy. As experts say, the longer the exposure time and radiation level greater risks. thyroid cancers, bone or leukemia are the most common long-term in these cases. In addition, most vulnerable areas of the body to this type of radiation are cells that protect the intestine and stomach . You can also generate changes or mutations in DNA derived then the formation of cancer. These alterations may be inherited , leading to distortions in future generations heads or brains as small, poorly trained eyes, slow growth or learning difficulties.
- Nausea and vomiting , which can continue diarrhea, headaches and fever .
"Over time, the damage disappear momentarily, returning to affect our body a few weeks but already internal damage to organs.
-also affects the reproduction , especially women.
- However, children and fetuses are most vulnerable , as found in the growth phase and its cells are constantly moving.
The two measures proposed by the experts to avoid radioactivity are evacuation and iodine uptake . In the first case, it is necessary to avert the explosion site to as many people as possible to prevent the formation of such diseases. For its part, the iodine uptake is very important as it increases production of white blood cells to cope with the damage that can be generated in the spinal cord. Measures that must be maintained for at least five days.
In Japan, authorities have advised their citizens to prevent radioactive contamination that sheds his clothes and shoes and wash your skin with soap and water.
Image taken from http://picdit.files.wordpress.com |
Unlike conventional pumps that can generate a single destructive effect caused by the so-called shock wave (wave of fire that can sweep away everything that is around), are nuclear many other effects. Of these, one can highlight five main
- initial nuclear radiation: the high temperature and high pressure created within the explosion emit radiation in all directions, coming to end the life of any living without the latter is aware that has been irradiated.
- Electromagnetic Pulse: the great activity of gamma rays, one of many that make this explosion, generates such energy on antennas, pipes, which can kill surrounding any electrical installation.
- Pulse Thermal air absorbs all the energy released by the fireball and spreads in the form of a blinding light and intense heat, causing serious burns to anyone.
- Shockwave : more devastating than traditional pumps, causing damage and destruction Unlimited buildings or living things.
- Radioactive Rain : high temperatures melted all radioactive material in the blast and are expelled in the form of ash that is precipitated during the first 24 hours after the explosion.
In extreme cases, the radioactivity would penetrate every living beings, as well as sea, land and air, reaching in high doses cause death or at lower doses or sterility mutations . Also radioactive materials in deep-water explosions could hide touch the troposphere and sunlight for months or years, bringing down temperatures and altering plant photosynthesis and food for marine animals (plankton). Finally, might also mitigate the ozone layer caused by nitrogen oxide fireball ejected into the atmosphere, which in turn lead to a solar radiation of serious consequences for the earth.
Despite all this, today there 442 nuclear reactors operating in 29 countries , as reported last March 11, 2011 by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) United Nations together. United States is in a first place remain the most dependent on nuclear energy and has more reactors in relation to France, which has 58. Spain, meanwhile, has 8 compared to 54 in Japan., Which supply 24.9% of the electricity used by the Nipponese in 2008.
From the beginning, nuclear power was seen as the panacea for electrical power from a much cheaper and faster than through fossil fuels like oil or coal , which are considered highly polluting energy. In fact, with one kilo of uranium (material used in nuclear fission) could produce as much energy as 1000 tons of coal.
should be noted, therefore, that energy comes from nuclear fusion reactions Commission (union of two atoms) and fission (splitting of a heavy atom into two lighter) in which release huge amounts of energy used to produce electricity. The fission process is the most currently used in nuclear power plants.
Image taken from http://www.elpais.com |
However, it was from the decade of the 70 and 80 when awakened by cries of alarm about the dangers that could result in the radiation especially in case of accidents. The truth is that the risk of a serious accident at a nuclear plant it built is very low, but some of these accidents like Chernobyl occurred in 1986 in a Soviet central raised with a very poor safety measures, has In many countries the view Service has been revealed against the development of this energy. The tragic events that occurred in Japan in recent days have led to countries like Germany to concentrate about 60,000 people to demonstrate against nuclear energy and its harmful effects on the planet and its inhabitants.
This energy so controversial these days has a number of advantages and disadvantages . Among its virtues it would emphasize, first, that to be an alternative to fossil fuels like coal or oil would avoid the so-called global warming. This then improve the quality of air we breathe, which in turn would be good for our health.
However, one of their most serious drawbacks is the generation of nuclear waste and its difficult to manage because it takes many years to lose its radioactivity and dangerous.
This waste can be classified according to their activity, high activity (consisting of fuel elements cattle), medium activity (produced in the process of nuclear fission) and low activity (tools, clothing and other material used for the maintenance of power plant nuclear). In Spain the National Company for Radioactive Waste (ENRESA) responsible for the management of this waste, whether from nuclear or other radioactive facilities such as hospitals and research centers related to this field.
While it is economically profitable, not so much in terms of construction and commissioning of a nuclear plant in Spain considering that the life of a nuclear plant is 40 years.
also auque security systems are very advanced nuclear fission reactions generate a chain reaction that if the control systems an explosion would cause radioactive fail, the consequences for the planet and humanity could be dire.
few days ago the Council of Ministers of the Government of Spain approved the extension of the life of nuclear plants in the country, beyond the stipulated in the project life of 40 years .
The controversy revolves around this alternative energy as profitable and dangerous at the same time continue to grow with scandals and accidents such as occurred recently in Japan years ago in Chernobyl (USSR), whose effects on la Tierra y sus habitantes pueden ser especialmente perjudiciales.
Por ello es muy importante apostar por otras energías limpias más seguras y respetuosas con el medio ambiente . No nos dejemos guiar por lo económico o beneficioso de esta energía para obtener de una forma más rápida y rentable electricidad. Es más importante proteger la vida de las personas y de todos los seres que habitan en nuestro mundo que hacer uso de una energía que a pesar de ser limpia, si no se gestiona adecuadamente puede generar daños irreversibles. Preocupémonos más de nuestro planeta y hagamos uso de recursos alternativos más seguros y que contribuyan a lograr ese equilibrio and harmony between humans and the environment.
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Image taken from http://3.bp.blogspot.com |
For class:
nuclear energy is one of the key issues in all textbooks provided to students of junior high and that is to be included under the theme renewable energy. From Educambiente we propose the following tools to use in class and allow students to understand the depth and clarity in these matters that so concern nowadays humanity.
-clicking here you access a page that contains a clear, brief and pleasant about the effects of radioactivity.
-I also included this little manual about the nuclear nergy you can see clicking here.
A continucación we suggest the following video explaining on the operation of nuclear power, and their advantages and effects:
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