Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Td Banknorth Seating Row Numbers

April 14, Arbor Day and Real

Next April 14 will be held for one day European Minerals to Day this year, the fourth edition of Arbor Day and Aggregates. This day has a purpose, that is, apart from promoting the activities of the minerals, promote closer to society and instill in children that will be covered within a broad age range, how important is the care and respect the environment .

Source: Arvisa

This issue has been held since 2008, during which about 13,000 and 200 schools have visited 200 farms in 17 different Autonomous Communities, in addition to planting some 20,000 trees. It added that 3,550 children have participated in other activities related to the topic, the National Design Competition of Arbor Day and Aggregates. In this year and have confirmed the presence of more than 50 companies and almost 2,000 children .

The campaign, which can be accessed by clicking here , stars Aridito , a doll that can see below, to help children understand and respect this world environment. Let's see some examples of days will be held as part of this day.
In Castilla y León will conduct a conference organized by the National Association of Manufacturers Employers Aggregates (ANEFA), where the students will be able to visit two gravel pits in town Valdearcos (León) and cores (Zamora) , later to planting trees. These activities had to be made together with employers and industry representatives, local authorities and regional administration, management and their teachers.

It is envisaged that during the visit, explaining safety measures to follow, visit an exhibition on the activities and facilities for the operation, explanation of the usefulness of the aggregate, the restoration (in relation to areas, care environment ...), the importance of trees, a snack, a drawing contest ...


In Oviedo, 50 students aged 6 and 18 years of public school special education and school Latores's Guardian Angel Latores planted trees and visited the Quarry Latores in Cegallu. Will be accompanied by 13 teachers

The following video we see the proposal to be carried out in Aragon, in which more than 100 children:

But apart from these examples, there will be activities at the following locations, a comprehensive list that has expanded over the years, and will certainly continue to grow:

Seseña (Toledo), Berduc (Pontevedra), Foncalent (Alicante), Torre del Campo (Jaén), Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz), Cangas del Narcea (Asturias), Valdilecha (Madrid), Santa Marta (León), Oviedo (Asturias), Rivas-Vaciamadrid (Madrid), Coreses (Zamora) , Andújar (Jaén), Gilena (Sevilla), Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz), San José de la Rinconada (Sevilla), Nanclares de la Oca (Álava), La Puebla de Valverde (Teruel), Puente Viesgo (Cantabria) El Ejido (Almería), Villanueva del Rio and Minas (Sevilla), San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa), Alhaurin de la Torre (Malaga), Arcos de la Frontera (Cádiz), Chilches (Castellón), Ontinyent (Valencia), Picassent (Valencia ) Monserrat (Valencia), San Martín de la Vega (Madrid), Albarreal de Tajo (Toledo), Malagón (Ciudad Real), Campo de Criptana (Ciudad Real), Alaior (Baleares), Roquetes (Tarragona), Arrigoriaga (Bizkaia), Sant Fost de Campsentelles (Barcelona), Riudecolls (Tarragona), Garraf (Barcelona), Latores (Oviedo), Orpi (Barcelona), Perales de Tajuña, Cáceres, Gelsa, Galdames, Villamayor de Gállego, Chinchilla, Villanueva de Gállego y Elche de la Sierra (Albacete).


To entertain children, Page Know the Aggregates provides a series of games and scripts with which children can learn to care for the environment while learning about these minerals. The games can be accessed by clicking here and books here.


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