Saturday, March 7, 2009

Patch Location Daisies

gesell today we were in, we went with Emma Spark and I bought a fat covering bueniiisimaaa handlebars for both bikes,

an oil, and had a good well and brought a ro ... and besides .. vii aamigoota corazonmarianaaaa baby and their future wave wyllywena are "re amigoss with ema" haha.

all goes well .. for hours ..
well well ....

kitten borites new hands was bent but well

my brother in the fight ...
want to help you

thanks to God for all
jah live!

more light and energy
for our projects

so be it .... q - Dollzmania - Dollzmania

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Peanut Stand For Sale

volviendooo ....

this year wants to come better than the last and although we started complicaditos

light is that we can shed light:::
follow the path ----