Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blogfor Driving Test In Columbus Ohio

Day gift pot life and harmony with nature

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In a time far beyond our memory, the planet was populated in every corner of broad valleys and plains adorned with beautiful flowers and plants of all kinds. Boasted Earth that their children both plants, animals and humans maintain a relationship of harmony and peace with no limits. However, it was the human species which first broke the balance becoming established over the years its own habitat in a desert of asphalt, smoke and pollution.

Today natural areas are increasingly relegated to the background to the unstoppable advance and threatening the city. In an attempt to recover the harmonious relationship of long ago, in April 2007 a group of professors of the Institute Cerro de los Infantes (Granada, Spain) chose to spend one day in its maximum attention to the plants. The day chosen was April 22. The bright, cheerful colors of flowers in their pots placed on top of the terraces or in the gardens of the houses, led this group of teachers to create what is known Pot Day.

This initiative which aims to increase the presence of plants in a scenario where the vegetation also shines by its absence. The aim is that people exchange gifts and the one to the other flowers in order to improve the living conditions of Planet Earth. Thus, the simple gesture of placing these plants in homes or places of work will help to bring life to worn and dull the natural environment around us.

The presence of these plants is not just a cosmetic issue, because its benefits for nature and life of humans and other creatures of the Earth can be very high. Among many other issues plants oxygenate, filter and purify the air regulate environmental moisture, softening temperature in winter and summer, provide a sense of comfort and peace as a decorative element liven up and personalize the space, allow a healthy self and last but not least, improve and humanize urban life. Besides all this, you have to remember that breathing plants absorb carbon dioxide (the primary cause of greenhouse gases and climate change) and release oxygen.

Despite the support they provide to humans, the man seems to ignore such valuable benefits and not paying attention the state of the planet. Projects like the pot Day hark back to times when humans lived with respect to nature and other beings who lived there. This date will serve to raise awareness of the relevance and positive plants can be your sweet, peaceful and relaxing company.

Material for the classroom

"In the next link you can find a page that contains several stories about plants with brief arguments that engage your reader mysterious world of plants which commemorates the day today.

-clicking this place accederéis to a page that includes a slide show of crafts practiced in schools around the theme of plants.


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