Thursday, May 5, 2011

General Denial Form Texas

Comes the Fair generates an opportunity for schools to meet proposals for caring for the environment. Trees

Photo: IFEMA

On Wednesday May 11 starts the International Fair of Energy and Environment Generates , which runs until Friday 13 IFEMA Madrid. This fourteenth edition, sponsored by Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDEA), will focus on providing energy saving proposals . These important and interesting proposals, which may serve to address many of the new policy developed by the Government of energy savings. 2011 aims to generate also help promote the new European Union's plan "20/20/20" , with which it seeks to achieve three goals: increasing use of renewables, improving energy efficiency and reduce emissions by 2020 .

As you can see, this is not a fair focused especially children. It is a show aimed primarily at companies, and therefore it can not find any special activity for children. However, it may be interesting to be watching the younger new ventures and systems that will be used to protect environment. This will be his future, so why not go knowing beforehand? Still, the proposal we want to do from Educambiente goes here addressed to schools.

Photo: IFEMA
believe can be very interesting for principals and teachers about these types of projects and proposals. It is possible that in 2011 generates power you find a way to save energy eg or start using renewable energy in schools or improve the systems used in the case of those schools that are already helping to protect the environment .

is not the first time since Educambiente offer suggestions to schools so that their facilities are renewed or become more ecological . We've already talked about the rise in the found sustainable buildings or furniture and school supplies ecological for example. But surely in this show are more ideas.

Genera es el principal punto de encuentro de España en lo que a eficiencia energética y energías renovables se refiere. Se presentarán nuevos productos y servicios, cuenta con un amplio programa de jornadas técnicas y foros, con una galería de innovación, y se mostrarán además proyectos que muestran los avances en la eficiencia en materia energética y en la protección del medio ambiente.

Participarán en ella empresas de diversos sectores:
  • Cogeneración

  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Coal
  • Geothermal
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Hydraulic
  • Solar
  • Photovoltaic Solar
  • Biomass and Waste
  • Biofuels
  • Hydrogen and Fuel
  • Solar Power
  • Energy Services
  • Other Energy
For more information, please consult the official web of the Feria de Madrid. If you are interested, it will find schedules, the official calendar of activities, prices, displays, access and transportation, etc.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Sharpest Best Kitchen Knives

technology, an alternative for cities

How do you imagine the cities of the future? In the future we dream Educambiente where they continue caring for the environment, where technology can be developed without harming the ecosystem ... a place where nature survives. Is this possible? Over the centuries, man has selfishly exploited the resources that Mother Nature has provided free of charge. Already provides for the disappearance of oil, but ... Has anyone thought about the trees?

We have discussed above the atrocities that humans are causing , such as logging, and proposals are made to fix, such as reforestation .
In 2009, scientists at Columbia University designed a tower-shaped building, a synthetic tree, with a function "cleansing": convert liquid CO2, and release into the atmosphere of it. However, generated certain problems: the liquid CO2 was still clean, and definitely get rid of it, should be buried in the earth.

did not seem a viable alternative, until two French designers, created the Treepod .

Mario Caceres and Christian Canon, created a project, the Boston Treepod Initiative. no way connected with the project of the University of Columbia, which can be considered as the main background.

However, this French project goes a step further: to create trees they had the same photosynthetic function of any tree, convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Shiftboston is an organization that makes annual competitions which are valued sustainable buildings and renewable energy management. This organization awarded this year to this initiative, as treepods are 100% organic.

sustainable technological Trees
These buildings can make a good choice in cities a lot of pollution, where natural trees could not survive properly. These trees would be 100% sustainable, because on one hand, do not convert the CO2 into liquid, but make it oxygen. Therefore not generate any waste. Moreover, its operation requires no fuel, but that uses a solar panel system, and swing that would take the kinetic energy that would produce the movements of passersby. It would also be built with recycled materials.

And the Why children?
This news does not seem to enter the field of education, but can be useful. Until they can build real prototypes large-scale structure of treepod can serve as an example of the process of photosynthesis, as there is a clear similarity between these treepods and natural trees. Below the structure (in English) of a treepod , so that children can make a comparison with similar natural.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Mediafire The Bait Bus

In support of the last paradises on the planet

The first rays of sun caressing your glow every corner of this vast sea, while, the wind pushes her wet lightly and crystalline waters. Some of the dancing waves crash against the cliffs. Others disappear by rubbing the soft, warm sand of the sea. Certainly, before our eyes a panorama filled with peace and absolute quiet. Many vacationers are choosing the beach as her favorite places of retreat and abandonment of stressful city life.

However, these areas of the planet are those who are now suffering the consequences of destructive step of human beings by their harmonious kingdom. The accumulation of waste the discharge of toxic substances into the sea or use of artificial sand in order to attract more tourists to the coast are some of the major obstacles that weigh on the beaches around the world. The human being is one of those most responsible for this situation.

In an attempt to improve the deplorable state of the shoreline, this week the Ministry of Environment of the Junta de Andalucía has completed the environmental education campaigns known as "Caring for the costs "and " Sandpiper " who with the support and participation of about 1,973 students and 120 teachers of 19 schools in the province of Huelva.
These initiatives are aimed to students from an early age learn the importance of conserving the natural environment around them and especially the costs, increasingly affected by the degrading activity of tourists who visit each year without showing any respect for the preservation of their environment.

one hand, the project "Sandpiper" that has brought together about 900 students divided into 19 sections of the coast of Huelva as reported by Europa Press, is a research and study which is held annually in Andalusia to collect data on the presence of residues and substances may be polluting the environment.

For its part, the remaining 1,073 students project "Caring for the coast" this year has included workshops on endangered marine species, such as whales and turtles, recycling, exhibitions, contests, murals and theater, and a previous phase of training for teachers themselves .
All these works have been put into practice by students Huelva and teachers by developing their own activities in school and on the beach.
This kind of campaigns in Andalusia have the principal task to banish the shadow of pollution that hangs over the English coasts, and ultimately, worldwide.

The coastlines are experiencing great changes in recent years that alarmed even to their own coastal communities. Much of the deterioration suffered by the economic engine for many provinces comes not only from the hand of nature but, in particular, man. Without going far building boardwalks or ports without a prior study of the behavior of ocean currents or high rise buildings without analyzing a priori winds are some of the elements contribute significantly to the degradation of coastal . Weather or natural problems are resolved quickly, but not so with the urban beaches manipulated by humans.

As if this were not enough, as indicated in previous lines, in order to attract the attention of tourists to the coast man reinforces his "attractive" no marine sand pouring , which is not previously analyzed for the presence of pollutants . It is vital that the sand meets the minimum quality requirements for the swimmers will be in contact with her for several hours a day.
It is therefore very important to ensure that children, the sector of the population most adept at these spaces, they can play safely. Moreover, the very species that surround those places can be seriously affected by possible non-toxic substances present in the sand analyzed.

This coupled with neglect of some swimmers left forgotten their drinks or cosmetics make the appearance and condition of the shoreline is increasingly bleak.
Initiatives such as that promoted by the Andalusian make our shores can, even minimally, clean fresh air. The smaller the future that will trample the beaches scattered across the planet and in your hands is the treatment they received. Therefore, we must remember that schools and teachers should promote, as it has done in southern Spain, such programs related to achieving coastal conservation.

The beaches are the place is a symbol of rest and retreat to enjoy during the holidays away from the details and chores of everyday life. But each and every one of us must be responsible and respect every corner of the earth we walk on. If we take care of the environment and its costs, maybe the situation will change. For tiny it is the support and respect which we touch and see what can be a considerable improvement dimensions to our Mother Earth and beaches with warm sand kissing the marine world.

Materials for the classroom:

"In this link reflected in a brief and clear all information concerning the status of the beaches in Andalucia.

-clicking here accessing the Official Website of Andalusia where wide information projects such as "Caring for the coast " and many other activities planned by the Community .

"Also included in this place a set of compelling and entertaining slideshow about the project "Caring for the Coast" 2009-2010.

"With this other link accessing the official website of the Colegio San José Obrero, as an example of a school that actively participates in environmental project " Sandpiper. "

-Here is a video made by the students of 5 in the CEIP Arana Blessed in Jerez de la Frontera (during 2009-2010). Environmental project is part of "Caring for the coast " .

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Can The Rash Get Worse After Treating Scabies?

April 27, International Day of Noise Awareness

Silence in the room. It is increasingly difficult to find a place where absolutely nothing is heard, or even hear the sound of nature. Today April 27 is International Day of Noise Awareness looking for that "sound peace" to our ears, so difficult to find nowadays and that is as necessary as it is harmful for both the medium around us and ourselves. Apart from noise pollution can produce hypertension, deafness, insomnia and a long ... list of consequences caused by not taking care of the noise generated.

Source: Canarias24horas
The latest data provided by GAES report that Spain is the second country that generates more noise, surpassed only by Japan, with some horrifying statistics: more than nine million English support levels above the established (65 decibels according to the World Health Organization), the 87% think that Spain is a country where the locals noisy are the more complain about it while they accuse Basque and Galician less or 22% who say that people comment that they speak very highly.

With these data, the Ministry of Agriculture and Environment has sought to have schools join this special day, issuing a series of activities that can bring out the students to address the prevention of noise pollution . This initiative is aimed at education centers, Primary and Secondary mainly. Thus, in this week from April 25 until February 30 shall carry out the activities with students .

Source: Acoustical Engineering

in Spain who is responsible for various activities related to this day is the English Society of Acoustics (SEA) , which This year's proposal has sought to place special emphasis on the following points:
  • Place posters around town without Noise Day
  • education centers in making and exhibition of works on the subject
  • Carry out an act to reinforce what you want to transmit in a place where they can assist both students and parents.
All this you can read it in greater depth from the following link: click here
GAES also wanted to join this day and we can find the streets are being proposed After all, the "Silent patrols." These patrols will invade our streets to teach people how you can reduce noise, with respect both to those around us and the environment in general. And they will hand out cards with tips on caring for our ears, and also giving hearing protection.

Source: EcologíaBlog
few tips that we give from Educambiente to contribute to reducing noise pollution are :
  1. losaparatos limit the volume of electronic and non-use devices that produce muchoruido too.
  2. By moving through topics house cuidadocon have to move chairs, tables, walking in high heels around the house ...
  3. transportepúblico Making use of fewer cars on the road, and less noise in the streets. Ademásel horn use is harmful.
  4. not use both pequeñosque helmets are more to do resent the ear is better to use other types deauriculares.
  5. In places with excessive noise esrecomendable the use of earplugs, and for example in discos, not to abuse elloya that requires a rest period to the ears of about 15 hours.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Business Financial Audit Checklist

glass recycling: an action that benefits all
recycling field is very broad: paper and cardboard, plastics, medicines ... however, the recycling of glass seems to have been on a secondary level when it should not be so.
Our grandparents and great grandparents and their recycled-a-way this material . The process of glass recycling industry is very recent, so the older generation, when they bought drinks, yogurt or any food packaged in a glass jar, proceeded to return the containers once used content. Thus, businesses get back a small amount of money in exchange for the customers returned the jars and bottles. These containers were transported to small businesses that were responsible for the disinfection and cleaning to be used again and for many times. And here the direct antecedent of glass recycling we know today.

recycling process and benefits
Glass is 100% recyclable material, but now the man has only managed to find a way to recycle glass bowl that serves as for liquids and food, so it is important to know that the glass windows, mirrors or glass ceramics can not be reused even through this process.
are four main advantages of this action citizen:
"First of all, an considerable savings raw materials used in the manufacture of glass, such as silica sand which is mined from mineral deposits through an expensive process with high energy costs.
- It is precisely the energy expenditure savings The second major advantage of glass recycling, as the temperature at which melt recycled glass is much lower than that used to melt the original glass (first use): the energy saved in recycling a bottle glass could keep a television turned on for 3 hours.
-Thirdly, reuse of glass reduces pollution air as a result of a decrease the burning of this material (the glass is not recycled goes to landfill waste community where all become burned, directly impacting the atmosphere).
-Finally, this process saves space in landfills populations, avoiding enhance soil pollution in which wastes are deposited community.
The recycling process is as follows: the conscious individuals the importance of recycling glass containers deposited in containers (igloos) that are green in your area, which already guarantees that these continents will be collected periodically by specialized trucks to move the glass recycling plants. ;
Once there, these materials are subjected to a first process of removing impurities, if there remain remnants of food or drink inside them which could hinder its reuse. Once clean, the cullet (the name given to the clean glass will be recycled) is mixed and melted at 1,400 degrees with other components, such as carbonates or sand. As a result of this process will produce a substance known as 'drop of glass' that goes into each of the different molds of bottles will be produced and by the 'process of breath' is achieved that the glass gob is seated mold on the walls of the bottle, leaving all their hollow interior, finally adopting the typical shape of a bottle.
Once it cools, it goes through an inspection of the container formed to remove those defects and finally containers are labeled, packaged and shipped to customers.

The great danger of glass
In tackling the glass should not be forget that, as is well used because a benefit for the Environment, as the case may be misused to cause fires of great magnitude. Whenever you make a field trip is very important to choose plastic containers and, if glass is to be carried, it's always found and always in the shadow , as glass, to the impact of the sun on the walls, acts as a magnifying glass to concentrate a large amount of heat at one point that blows easily the first flare .
To explain this phenomenon to the school and thus be aware of the potential of glass propose the following experiment: to blow up a green balloon and put a magnifying glass on top, so that the sun shining directly on it. Soon, the lens is focusing so much heat on a single point on the globe that it will explode. This experiment symbolic may imply the same effect of glass and light in nature, with the explosion of fire balloon explosion in real life.

Resources and activities on the glass
To arrange a class about recycling glass, we suggest you use this video explaining the recycling process you'll find on the net if you want to focus class for students of Secondary Education . For students of Elementary Education , Internet portal offers this with visual explanations, very fun games and experiments.
For children in kindergarten , you can opt for the e-book The Plastic Bottle written by Lucia Alvarado and available at, an adventure recounted in English for children aged between 4 and 10 years tells the story of 6 bottles sisters and the different purposes that each one of them: a ends in a garbage container where your life is very unhappy, one passes to be used as a football hooligan by children ... however, one of which is recycled and has a life happy.
Finally, secondary students could set up a recycling workshop glass art . Many decorative items can be developed through old glass bottles or jars, just have to have special glass paints find at any craft store, and some imagination. Vases from juice bottles, containers for candles made from jam jars ... everything has a place in the world of glass and, for the less creative, here disponéis a web thousands of original ideas for working the glass.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Blogfor Driving Test In Columbus Ohio

Day gift pot life and harmony with nature

Image taken of
In a time far beyond our memory, the planet was populated in every corner of broad valleys and plains adorned with beautiful flowers and plants of all kinds. Boasted Earth that their children both plants, animals and humans maintain a relationship of harmony and peace with no limits. However, it was the human species which first broke the balance becoming established over the years its own habitat in a desert of asphalt, smoke and pollution.

Today natural areas are increasingly relegated to the background to the unstoppable advance and threatening the city. In an attempt to recover the harmonious relationship of long ago, in April 2007 a group of professors of the Institute Cerro de los Infantes (Granada, Spain) chose to spend one day in its maximum attention to the plants. The day chosen was April 22. The bright, cheerful colors of flowers in their pots placed on top of the terraces or in the gardens of the houses, led this group of teachers to create what is known Pot Day.

This initiative which aims to increase the presence of plants in a scenario where the vegetation also shines by its absence. The aim is that people exchange gifts and the one to the other flowers in order to improve the living conditions of Planet Earth. Thus, the simple gesture of placing these plants in homes or places of work will help to bring life to worn and dull the natural environment around us.

The presence of these plants is not just a cosmetic issue, because its benefits for nature and life of humans and other creatures of the Earth can be very high. Among many other issues plants oxygenate, filter and purify the air regulate environmental moisture, softening temperature in winter and summer, provide a sense of comfort and peace as a decorative element liven up and personalize the space, allow a healthy self and last but not least, improve and humanize urban life. Besides all this, you have to remember that breathing plants absorb carbon dioxide (the primary cause of greenhouse gases and climate change) and release oxygen.

Despite the support they provide to humans, the man seems to ignore such valuable benefits and not paying attention the state of the planet. Projects like the pot Day hark back to times when humans lived with respect to nature and other beings who lived there. This date will serve to raise awareness of the relevance and positive plants can be your sweet, peaceful and relaxing company.

Material for the classroom

"In the next link you can find a page that contains several stories about plants with brief arguments that engage your reader mysterious world of plants which commemorates the day today.

-clicking this place accederéis to a page that includes a slide show of crafts practiced in schools around the theme of plants.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Engine Light On Yukon Xl

Preventing fires is a guarantee of future

With good weather few people who stay at home. Families and schools organize trips to enjoy nature, this is a good idea for children to learn the environment, but we must be very careful. The spring and summer are times of the year in which the risk of fire is higher due to high temperatures and low rainfall that promote the drying of vegetation and low humidity .

When a fire and human beings can not control is called fire. Wildfires act on the mountain (all that land is not for urban, agricultural or industrial). In fuel wildfires vegetable matter is l or plant biomass that accumulates or dry ground: and the leaves, the remains arable fallen logs.

The wildfires have become one of the biggest ecological problems in terms of intensity and frequency. Most are caused by man. The fire can be triggered voluntarily or involuntarily, what is certain is that in many cases their effects are irreversible. Wildfires annually tens of thousands of wooded acres , including species of flora and fauna species. They also have a large danger to persons engaged in the firefighting , sometimes there are casualties.

Triangle fire. Source:
In order for the fire is essential to giving three elements and the absence of any of them means extinction: oxygen, fuel and heat. Graphically represented by the "triangle of fire" , each element forms one side. Strategies Firefighting focus on eliminating one or more sides of the triangle, for example, throw dirt on top to prevent the arrival of oxygen, is common as we all know pouring water on it to reduce heat and off.

The forests are the habitat of many living also communities and people sit around them, as they provide resources that help them survive. The branches and trunks of trees collect and distribute rainwater into the soil that then goes into rivers and springs, which helps the soil from eroding and flooding occurring and also prevents its desertification. This function is called forest water regulation. In addition, we can say that forests regulate the climate when conducting water evapotranspiration through the leaves of the trees, which makes the cycle of life. The water is evaporated by the heat of the sun (goes from liquid to gaseous state) and enters the atmosphere as water vapor. As it rises and decrease of temperature, water vapor condenses into clouds and then falls as rain, this allows the growth of plants and other organisms vivos.Además the fire are one of the causes of climate change because through them also generate gaseous pollutants that flow into the atmosphere. Therefore, the trees play a vital role in survival, this year marks the must build on the International Year of Forests to raise awareness among children.

organization WWF in its report on forest fires "Retrieving planting forests or fire?" 2010 analyzes the evolution of large forest fires and reporting deficiencies forest policy. In it, the organization stresses that occur annually in Spain an average of 15,391 fires in the fire covers 123,442 hectares, an area similar to that of the island of Gran Canaria. "The major forest fires are the most obvious symptom of an area rural sick "according to the Secretary General of WWF Juan Carlos del Olmo, who also points out that the more it takes to act, the more difficult to correct this situation.

Awareness of the very young is one way of ensuring a better future. Education sow and reap the fruits of the Earth more habitable for all. The collaboration of all citizens is essential to turn this problem. So since we Educambiente propose a series of teaching resources that will help ecological education of children .

addition to this video we suggest you visit this Web , es un portal muy completo en el que encontraréis desde información, juegos, fichas para distintas actividades, concursos, campañas contra incendios forestales y mucho más.
  • Por último recordaros que en ningún caso debéis encender fuego debajo de los árboles en zonas con mucha vegetación o cercanas a matorrales .También es muy peligroso arrojar fósforos encendido.
  • Es muy importante que limpies muy bien tanto antes como después el lugar en el que haces un fuego para una barbacoa, retira ramas, hojas o cualquier otro material de combustión antes de hacerlo, y después make sure you are well off.

  • We collect the waste after a camping or hiking, must leave the area clean as we found it.

  • must read and follow the directions of posters and leaflets we are, and we need to know the flora and fauna.

  • much more we know of a place better we can keep it. should alert the fire brigade by dialing 112 in case of fire before it is too late . In any of the areas in which we spoke earlier.

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Free 3d Shotacon Image


Dear readers and friends informing them that after more than 5 000 free downloads of my book "Sounds Desafinado. Taking the pulse of the music industry in Chile," is published today by the English portal Bubok and should be canceled by the same.

This is the link and I hope to spread as much as they did with the first version: -MUSICA-EN-CHILE/id = 202349.

Thanks for the support, Valeria Solis


How Much Money Can You Get From Recycling

scout groups, further education model

one way or another we've all heard on occasion of scouts. But we know what is your philosophy? Anywhere in the world, all scouts working under a doctrine that unites them and governing them. A philosophy full of values \u200b\u200band marked by a great respect for nature . It is for this reason that from Educambiente we talk in this philosophy. To discover them and can apply some of his ideas, as far as possible and when the occasion merits, "with children.

Since Baden Powell founded the Scouting in 1907, this international movement has always sought educate the younger through contact with nature . It was and is an effective way for children to learn to respect the environment and respect nature , among many other values. As reflected in the Constitution of the World Scout Movement, the purpose of this movement is to help develop the capacities of the young and help them develop as individuals and responsible citizens, both physically and socially, intellectual or spiritual. Here we talk about what is your method and what are their values.

The education that children receive both from the family and in schools is very important, and in no way this would be a method for replacing just the opposite. The Scout method is a complementary method and progressive self-education. Based on a active values \u200b\u200beducation through small groups and using various participatory programs.

These values \u200b\u200bare reflected in law, and all members must make a promise to perform it. The best of this type of education is that it is 100% dynamic and performed at the outdoor , which allows contact with nature . Children learn almost without realizing it and they will play . To this are organized into small "patrols" as they call, and within each will have certain responsibilities. It may seem like child's play, but thanks to these organized groups learn to have more confidence in themselves, become more independent and develop certain skills.

finish and get to know these scouts show you a small list of some of their most important values:
  • be loyal, courteous and trustworthy
  • be useful without reward
  • be everyone's friend
  • respect nature and protect animals and plants
  • Smile and sing at the difficulties
As you have discovered within the educational experience of estrus groups, plays an important role environment. From Educambiente the idea that you want to convey with all this is the importance a further education outdoor . Classroom teaching is always good, but learning in contact with nature will always have more advantages. Enable smaller developing certain skills, appreciate more the things around them and develop more of their senses.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Zoophilia Movie Clips

Outdoor Activities for Earth Day

Fashion Looks like they're the "World Day ...". If we saw earlier activities for the International Wetlands Day , the World Water Day the World Health Day , or World Forestry Day in Educambiente we could not let the April 22, which is Earth Day. ;

The Earth Day commemorates the existence of our planet, a world that has welcomed us since the first man appeared for the first time. A planet that has given us crops, the company of animals, and above all a place to live. It may sound a bit frivolous to celebrate Earth Day, when on the same planet exists major inequalities in basic needs, but not why we should stop commemorating this day, caring for the environment.

The Japan earthquake, and nuclear fallout between other phenomena, natural or not, has caused a noticeable change in the planet's formation. This seems to teach us that our world is weak, and therefore, we must take care with various environmental practices .
What can we do?

In previous articles, and we gave some guidelines and tips for children could help in this task either recycled paper or joining projects that relate to the cause. You can consult by clicking on the links above.

So what is Earth Day? Held since 1970, and was promoted by a senator and activist, Gaylord Nelson, who tries to encourage the creation of an environmental agency. So in the Earth Day become aware of the importance of that care for our planet, so one of the protagonists Environmental education is received by people, adults, elderly or children.

Activities for Earth Day
This year, Earth Day coincides with Good Friday, and therefore falling on holiday, its celebration has spread throughout this week and next.
Various companies to demonstrate their taking responsibility for the Environment, have launched promotional offers, such as the Disney Store or Kiehls. In the case of Disney, has created a microsite for children to learn tricks related to the "3-R." If you want to reference, click here .

But if you have a good time, National Geographic invites you to Concert Earth Day, with Delafé and blue flowers on 28 April in Shoko Madrid Chamber. If you want to get a ticket, click here . Limited capacity.

In Las Palmas held a bike-skate-manifestation, April 29, whose motto is "A network of bike lanes safe and useful." You can get more information by clicking on the poster.

TNT Channel Spain has set a schedule for that, from ten in the morning, viewers can enjoy six films showing natural scenes fantastic, as the deserts of Australia, the landscape of southern France, or more exotic landscapes of China.

Faunia too want to celebrate, and so, on 25 April, the day without school, organized a special tour for children ages 3 to 13, which includes breakfast and lunch for 38 euros. If you want more information, please consult this poster .

But not only children can enjoy and learn. The University of Almería has organized some field trips to learn about the geology of Almeria.

This means that although we are in spring break, Easter, no excuse for being bored and not celebrate Earth Day. Enjoy, caring environment.
