Didjeridoo WHAT IS?
circular breathing is the movement that characterizes the instrument, because it allows the sound generated is continuous and not interrupted when we breathe.
The didgeridoo is a typical musical instrument native to northern and northwestern Australia, which dates back, according to legends of this ancient culture, at the time of dreams and dreamtime, taking into that the aboriginal culture of Australia with an approximate age of 40,000 years, as nomadic hunters.
yidaki The Didjeridoo or is an instrument traditionally used by men in rituals and celebrations of different types within the wide range of communities that existed and still survive in Australia. Originally
is a trunk or branch of a variety of longitudinally hollowed eucalyptus and naturally by termites. They devour the inside of the trunk, making it a powerful amplifier.
generating She touches her lips made a movement similar to the trumpet, producing a fundamental tone and a wide range of harmonics, which give it richness and shine to your sound peculiar
Running it requires no experience Music of any kind and as they are becoming aware of the importance of the breath we encounter infinite possibilities within him
Their sound is hypnotic and can be very relaxing or very rhythmic and played together or as solo instruments. Formerly had an essential role when it comes to accompany the tales, songs and dances.
Around the Didjeridoo there are many legends and myths which are associated with different aspects of culture and beliefs, including myths of creation and the Rainbow Serpent as responsible for it. Also it links with the spirits of those who found their sound and usus, the revive them when they ring the didgeridoo.
not necessary to have some sort of musical background, just eager to share a good time, full of new sounds and vibrations that transform.
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