Thursday, May 5, 2011

General Denial Form Texas

Comes the Fair generates an opportunity for schools to meet proposals for caring for the environment. Trees

Photo: IFEMA

On Wednesday May 11 starts the International Fair of Energy and Environment Generates , which runs until Friday 13 IFEMA Madrid. This fourteenth edition, sponsored by Institute for Energy Diversification and Saving of Energy (IDEA), will focus on providing energy saving proposals . These important and interesting proposals, which may serve to address many of the new policy developed by the Government of energy savings. 2011 aims to generate also help promote the new European Union's plan "20/20/20" , with which it seeks to achieve three goals: increasing use of renewables, improving energy efficiency and reduce emissions by 2020 .

As you can see, this is not a fair focused especially children. It is a show aimed primarily at companies, and therefore it can not find any special activity for children. However, it may be interesting to be watching the younger new ventures and systems that will be used to protect environment. This will be his future, so why not go knowing beforehand? Still, the proposal we want to do from Educambiente goes here addressed to schools.

Photo: IFEMA
believe can be very interesting for principals and teachers about these types of projects and proposals. It is possible that in 2011 generates power you find a way to save energy eg or start using renewable energy in schools or improve the systems used in the case of those schools that are already helping to protect the environment .

is not the first time since Educambiente offer suggestions to schools so that their facilities are renewed or become more ecological . We've already talked about the rise in the found sustainable buildings or furniture and school supplies ecological for example. But surely in this show are more ideas.

Genera es el principal punto de encuentro de España en lo que a eficiencia energética y energías renovables se refiere. Se presentarán nuevos productos y servicios, cuenta con un amplio programa de jornadas técnicas y foros, con una galería de innovación, y se mostrarán además proyectos que muestran los avances en la eficiencia en materia energética y en la protección del medio ambiente.

Participarán en ella empresas de diversos sectores:
  • Cogeneración

  • Gas
  • Oil
  • Coal
  • Geothermal
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Hydraulic
  • Solar
  • Photovoltaic Solar
  • Biomass and Waste
  • Biofuels
  • Hydrogen and Fuel
  • Solar Power
  • Energy Services
  • Other Energy
For more information, please consult the official web of the Feria de Madrid. If you are interested, it will find schedules, the official calendar of activities, prices, displays, access and transportation, etc.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

The Sharpest Best Kitchen Knives

technology, an alternative for cities

How do you imagine the cities of the future? In the future we dream Educambiente where they continue caring for the environment, where technology can be developed without harming the ecosystem ... a place where nature survives. Is this possible? Over the centuries, man has selfishly exploited the resources that Mother Nature has provided free of charge. Already provides for the disappearance of oil, but ... Has anyone thought about the trees?

We have discussed above the atrocities that humans are causing , such as logging, and proposals are made to fix, such as reforestation .
In 2009, scientists at Columbia University designed a tower-shaped building, a synthetic tree, with a function "cleansing": convert liquid CO2, and release into the atmosphere of it. However, generated certain problems: the liquid CO2 was still clean, and definitely get rid of it, should be buried in the earth.

did not seem a viable alternative, until two French designers, created the Treepod .

Mario Caceres and Christian Canon, created a project, the Boston Treepod Initiative. no way connected with the project of the University of Columbia, which can be considered as the main background.

However, this French project goes a step further: to create trees they had the same photosynthetic function of any tree, convert carbon dioxide into oxygen. Shiftboston is an organization that makes annual competitions which are valued sustainable buildings and renewable energy management. This organization awarded this year to this initiative, as treepods are 100% organic.

sustainable technological Trees
These buildings can make a good choice in cities a lot of pollution, where natural trees could not survive properly. These trees would be 100% sustainable, because on one hand, do not convert the CO2 into liquid, but make it oxygen. Therefore not generate any waste. Moreover, its operation requires no fuel, but that uses a solar panel system, and swing that would take the kinetic energy that would produce the movements of passersby. It would also be built with recycled materials.

And the Why children?
This news does not seem to enter the field of education, but can be useful. Until they can build real prototypes large-scale structure of treepod can serve as an example of the process of photosynthesis, as there is a clear similarity between these treepods and natural trees. Below the structure (in English) of a treepod , so that children can make a comparison with similar natural.